Are you content with your Content?

3 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

CONTENT. Every company today is a creator of it. And each one of us is a consumer of it.

Creating it has never been easier. A few keystrokes on your favorite GenAI tool and voila, there you have it, a new post for the day.

Meanwhile, consuming it has never been so endless. Keep scrolling across the many channels and mediums. The last post just a scroll away from being history in your memory.

Not just that, there are new tools now, armed with AI, that are automating the very process of creation. Change the color, pick a new tagline, build a new campaign. In seconds. And measure every moment, with automated analytics.

While that serves a good purpose, the real depth and meaning of good content is to tell the authentic story of the brand. A story that connects. A story that builds trust. A story that is consistent, over time.

And hence I ask again, Are you content with your CONTENT?

And if you are not, what can change the story?

Let’s think from the point of view of what makes a good story. A story that stayed with us, long after we read/watched/heard it. A story that compelled us to turn the page:

A character/characters we can root for.

A situation that seems to be relatable and difficult for the character to navigate.

An end goal that seems aspirational but tantalizingly out of reach, making the journey, complete with twists and turns we want to be part of.

A setting that we can almost visualize, it is so visceral.

Vulnerability, that connects with us deeply.

Now, you might say this is all well and good for fiction. What works in business?

Well, in business, the starting point of storytelling is the insight you want to convey. The often un-intuitive insight that you have found through your product/solution/research and which will be meaningful and valuable for your audience.

Once you find the undeniable truth of that insight, you can frame it just as you would, a story, in a simple way that connects with the audience.

Choose the voice of the story. Who is narrating it? Or whose story is being narrated?

Once you have that nailed down sharply, the character, the setting, the situation, the end goal all can apply. In business, we call this Story Structure. A strong focus on this builds the base of the story.

Last but not the least. Every brand also has their own original voice. Brand archetypes we may call them. Or brand personality. Are we saying it in line with that voice? That builds for the consistency, over time.

Can we bring authentic Storytelling at the heart of our Content? And focus on originality and organic reach over copy-cat content and immediate likes and promotions?

Maybe it is slow. May be it is hard. But the power of a good story is timeless.

May your Content find its Happily Ever After through the magic of Storytelling.




We help people and brands find, tell and live their stories